Tag: freelance editor

Portland Copywriters and Editors

(I recently wrote a blog post at the Copywriter Conclave of Portland website.  I’ve copied it here for readers of my blog.) A group of copywriters and editors in the same group may seem like a strange idea. After all, aren’t we supposed to be competing for the same pool of clients? If you’re a

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What Is A Market Rate?

Last month’s Enlighten Writing blog post discussed why I don’t think writer/editors should work for free. I discussed the importance of a market rate.  But what is a market rate?  And how does a writer or editor determine her or his market rate? The Business Dictionary defines a market rate as, “the usual price in

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Telecommuting and Your Business

Last year, I wrote about the pros and cons of working from my home (based near Portland, Oregon).  I discussed benefits, such as taking a break from being a writer and editor by lying on my bed, and making my own hours. It’s a timely discussion now, considering Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer’s decision to end

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I hope everyone had a great winter holiday, and that 2012 is treating you well so far.   As I mentioned last year, I prefer aspirations to resolutions.  My aspirations this year are basically an extension of last year’s …  grow, read more, and volunteer more. I have one more entry in my “great writing” series: 

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Freelance Writer: Guest Posting … Again!

I have another guest blog post up for freelance writers (and anyone else) at Emily Suess’s blog.   This time I talk about how intuition can really help you  at the beginning of a project.   And I also link it to Star Wars.   Because, y’know, that’s how I roll.

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Freelance Writer: Define Yourself

Friends in Portland and other areas have recently asked how I get work as a freelance writer.  It’s kind of funny, because just over a year ago, I asked freelance writers the same type of question!  I am flattered, but I can only talk about what has worked for me, and why I prefer freelancing

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Freelance Writer: Work and Solving Problems

I never like to say the word, “work.” Not because I prefer idleness.  Quite the opposite.  As a freelance writer and editor near Portland, I look at content creation and refinement as fun.   I am genuinely pleased to help my clients reach their audience(s).  The task itself becomes the reward … largely because I’ve already

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Freelance Writer: Time Management

While in Portland, I’ve developed a reputation as a fast writer and editor.   I like to be realistic about time frames so there are no surprises for my clients. How do I manage my time?  I’m glad you asked! 1.  Good Mornings I have a regimented morning schedule.  I used to think I could switch

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Freelance Writer: Portland and Non-Local Clients

As a freelance writer, I’m often asked if the majority of my clients are in the Portland area or in far-off locales (like Salem, haha, just kidding).  The immediacy of Portland clients is attractive, but I’ve had clients as far away as Panama. The benefits of working with local freelance writing clients is that we

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What Worked in 2010

It’s the season for taking stock and end-of-year lists.  For myself, I made a pretty big life change in 2010.  I voluntarily became a full-time freelance writer in January 2010.  Leaving a salaried position with a company that I helped build was difficult, but who said personal growth was easy? Of course, like every other

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