Tag: entrepreneur

Snake plant at my office. Photo by Mahesh Raj Mohan

Your Content Garden

Spring is finally here (well, for some of us), and it’s a great time to focus on your backyard or porch garden.  It’s also the perfect time to attend to to your “content garden.”  Web copy, print collateral, blogs, PR, social media, and even TV or radio commercials all need care and attention to thrive.

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Telecommuting and Your Business

Last year, I wrote about the pros and cons of working from my home (based near Portland, Oregon).  I discussed benefits, such as taking a break from being a writer and editor by lying on my bed, and making my own hours. It’s a timely discussion now, considering Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer’s decision to end

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What Changes Will You Make This Year?

I went in for a haircut a couple of weeks ago, and while chatting with the barber, I mentioned how I worked on the same desktop for six years, and used a BlackBerry as my mobile workstation for three years. As you can tell, I like stability. Around this time, my desktop started flashing Blue

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Reaching Your Audience

If you’re a small business owner, reaching your audience can be a challenge.  As a freelance writer, I’ve certainly encountered that dilemma.  I re-started my freelance writing career just over two years ago, in an economic environment that can be challenging.  I think many small business owners can relate.  The economy is improving (my business

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Small Business Owners and Dave

If your job title is “freelance writer,” then prospects, clients, friends, and strangers on the street understand your core competency and value.  But it also means you wear all the entrepreneurial hats.  (Some folks call this being a “solopreneur.”) Right now, I outsource my accounting, but I do everything else … sales, project management, accounts

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Freelance Writer: Work and Solving Problems

I never like to say the word, “work.” Not because I prefer idleness.  Quite the opposite.  As a freelance writer and editor near Portland, I look at content creation and refinement as fun.   I am genuinely pleased to help my clients reach their audience(s).  The task itself becomes the reward … largely because I’ve already

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What Worked in 2010

It’s the season for taking stock and end-of-year lists.  For myself, I made a pretty big life change in 2010.  I voluntarily became a full-time freelance writer in January 2010.  Leaving a salaried position with a company that I helped build was difficult, but who said personal growth was easy? Of course, like every other

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I recently started my own freelance writing and editing business.  Yup, I know, in this down-turned economy.   This decision was by choice, and not chosen for me, so I didn’t have the cover of unemployment insurance.  I’m not insane, I promise.  In fact, my former employer and I are on pretty solid and friendly terms.

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