Tag: books

VeriServe Solutions, Inc. Brochure

Print Marketing and Your Business

We may be transforming into a paperless world, but I will always believe in the power of print.  In my opinion, high screen resolution and pristine digital images will never replace the scent of finely-milled paper or dust jackets as glossy as polished stone. In the marketing realm, you can’t beat the allure of the

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I hope everyone had a great winter holiday, and that 2012 is treating you well so far.   As I mentioned last year, I prefer aspirations to resolutions.  My aspirations this year are basically an extension of last year’s …  grow, read more, and volunteer more. I have one more entry in my “great writing” series: 

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Freelance Writer: Borders

I’m sorry to see the end of Borders.  When I lived in Oklahoma, I looked forward to my bi-weekly Atomik Pop-and-Borders trip.   I bought tons of books, drank a lot of hot chai, and learned so much (as I said, I bought a lot of books there). When I moved to Portland, I shopped more

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2011 Aspirations

Happy New Year! I’ve never been one for resolutions.   I know the half-joke is that they’re not supposed to stick, but that seemed kind of counter-productive to me (why make ’em if you know you won’t do ’em?!) Anyway, a few years ago, my Mom introduced me to the concept of “New Years Aspirations.”  These

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